Car Rental and Website Use Terms and Conditions

Motoring is our passion – for as long as we can remember – and we want to share this passion with you. These terms and conditions serve to clearly define how we share the vehicles from our fleet with you. Therefore, we kindly ask you to read the Terms and Conditions carefully, and if you have any questions or doubts, our entire team is at your disposal.

Best regards,
Go Cybertruck Team

Whenever one of the following terms is used in this document, it shall be understood as follows:

Terms and Conditions – refers to this document

Parties – the Lessor and the Lessee

We, the Lessor – Bartosz Zakrzewski, operating under the business name “Bartosz Zakrzewski Law Security, Cracow Shooting Academy – Strzelnica Kraków”, NIP number 6792937121, REGON number 365864284, with a permanent business address and mailing address at: ul. Ludwika Rydygiera 21/23, 30-695 Kraków.

You, the Lessee – the entity that uses the functionality of the Website and makes/has made a Reservation; an individual who is at least 18 years old or – depending on other specific requirements, older; a legal entity or an organizational unit without legal personality, but capable of acquiring rights and incurring obligations in its own name, that uses the Online Store; the Lessor does not rent to individuals under the age of 18.

Vehicle – refers to the cars rented by us (Tesla Cybertruck Best Foundation Series version)

Consumer – an individual entering into a legal transaction with a business that is not directly related to their business or professional activity (as defined in Article 22.1 of the Civil Code).

Sole Proprietor – individuals who enter into a contract directly related to their business activity, but from the contract’s content, it can be determined that it does not have a professional nature for that person, based on the nature of the business activity as recorded in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity.


Booking Service – an online service provided by the Lessor, available at, through which the Lessee can familiarize themselves with the services offered by the Lessor and make a Reservation and enter into a Rental Agreement.

Reservation – a declaration of intent to rent a Vehicle expressed by the Lessee via the system available in the Booking Service (by remotely completing the electronic form in said system) or in another way – including in person and via email – in a manner allowing the Lessor to identify the Lessee, specifying the Vehicle to be the subject of the Rental Agreement, the start and end dates of the Rental Agreement, fees, and other terms.

Force Majeure – an external event beyond the control of the parties to the legal relationship, which the party affected by the Force Majeure event could not reasonably foresee and could not prevent, and which makes it permanently or temporarily impossible for that party to exercise its rights or fulfill its obligations under the legal relationship, including but not limited to floods, fires, heavy rains, storms, strikes, lockdowns, epidemics, pandemics, and similar events.

Rental Agreement – a rental agreement for the Vehicle entered into between the Lessor and the Lessee.

Service – a free electronic service allowing the Lessee to use the Booking System.

Service Provider – the entity providing the Service, which is the Lessor.

Service User – an individual, legal entity, or organizational unit without legal personality that uses the Services (typically this will be the Lessee).


  1. These terms and conditions set out the rules for the operation and use of the Services and the Booking System by the Lessee, as well as the rules for making Reservations and entering into Rental Agreements, and the rights and obligations of the Parties arising from various actions.
  2. The provisions below also apply to all cases of making Reservations and entering into Rental Agreements by the Lessor for third parties, carried out as part of the Lessor’s business activities, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise.
  3. The Lessor does not sell digital content.
  4. These Terms and Conditions provide a comprehensive regulation of the Lessor’s activities conducted via the Website and the Booking System, as well as distance agreements – the provisions of these Terms and Conditions apply, except where the application of specific provisions has been expressly excluded. The provisions of the Terms and Conditions apply in every case where the Parties have not made other arrangements. Any changes or deviations from these regulations require the express consent of both the Lessor and the Lessee, expressed in writing or via email. In case of doubt, it is assumed that the Lessor has not agreed to any changes or deviations from these provisions.
  5. As a rule, the Terms and Conditions apply as of the date of reservation confirmation – this rule does not apply if a later change in regulations and/or the Terms and Conditions has retroactive effect (i.e., also for Reservations made before the said change).
  6. In light of the above, we draw your attention to the possibility of changes to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions – the Lessor’s goal is to fulfill orders in the most convenient way for Lessees. In this regard, the Lessor remains fully open to any modifications that are convenient for you, but they must be clearly agreed upon.
  7. We emphasize that the legal status of Lessees who are Consumers, Sole Proprietors, and entities that do not fall into these categories is different – therefore, we ask that you carefully review the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, and we invite you to contact us in case of any doubts.

What should I know before proceeding?

Subject and Preliminary Arrangements

  1. First, the key information – the Rental Agreement is concluded upon confirmation of the reservation (as detailed later in the Terms and Conditions).
  2. The Lessor operates a business that involves renting Vehicles.
  3. Rentals are generally available in two forms:
    • Rental with a driver – in this system, the Vehicle is made available to the Lessee with the condition that it can only be driven by a person designated by the Lessor (the Lessee does not drive the Vehicle). This type of rental may be used for shows, promotional events, demonstration rides, etc.
    • Standard rental – in this case, the Lessee can drive the Vehicle independently, but the Lessor reserves the right that a person designated by the Lessor will accompany the Lessee in the Vehicle to supervise the ride.
  4. As part of the aforementioned business activity – and to this the Terms and Conditions apply – the Lessor:
    • Provides an electronic service allowing the use of the Booking System
    • Allows the Lessee to make a Reservation
    • Rents the Vehicle to the Lessee
  5. The Vehicle is rented exclusively within the territory of the Republic of Poland and may not leave the country (unless otherwise agreed).
  6. The Booking System is operated through the functionalities available on the Website.
  7. The Website and the Booking System are owned by the Lessor.
  8. The Website contains photos and descriptions of the Vehicles – exactly the ones available for rent (these are not visualizations or stock photos). Since the Vehicles are regularly used, there may be slight differences between the condition shown in the photos and the actual condition.
  9. The online store allows users to view the available Vehicles and make a Reservation, as well as enter into a Rental Agreement.
  10. The online store offer does not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code and Article 543 of the Civil Code.
  11. Please note that there may be errors in the descriptions and/or photos of the Vehicles presented in the online store – if such errors occur or are noticed, please contact us, and we will definitely find a solution.

What do I need to use the Online Store?

Technical Requirements

  1. To use the Booking System, including viewing the Vehicle presentations, making a Reservation, and entering into a Rental Agreement, the following are required: a device with internet access, an active email account, and cookies enabled.
  2. Additionally, the Lessee must use one of the available web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge (we recommend using the most up-to-date version with the latest updates). Using other web browsers may, but is not guaranteed to, result in the Website malfunctioning, which could prevent the use of the Booking System and/or the ability to make a Reservation.
  3. Using the Booking System involves the provision of a Service – this is a free service, and the agreement for this Service may be terminated at any time by either the Service User or the Service Provider. Termination of the Service agreement does not affect the validity of other agreements between the Parties – including any Rental Agreements – and does not affect the Lessee’s rights regarding warranty, guarantee, withdrawal from the agreement, or other rights.
  4. The Service agreement is concluded when the Lessee begins using the Booking System.
  5. The Service agreement expires when the Rental Agreement is fulfilled, meaning the separate Rental Agreement is executed or when the Reservation is canceled, or if the Rental Agreement is not concluded for other reasons, or when other legally stipulated reasons arise.

How can I make a Reservation? When is the Rental Agreement concluded and what does it entail?

Making a Reservation, Conclusion of the Rental Agreement

You can make a Reservation in several ways – choose the most convenient for you (we’re always here to help – contact details are in the Terms and Conditions).

The Reservation process depends on the method you choose – detailed information is provided below. However, the general procedure follows this outline:

  1. You review our offer, analyze it, and make a decision,
  2. Next, you make a Reservation,
  3. We confirm the Reservation – at this point, the Rental Agreement is concluded, and the Parties are obligated to fulfill the agreed services,
  4. We meet on the agreed date and location – during this meeting, before handing over the Vehicle, the terms of the Rental Agreement are confirmed, and the Lessee’s details and declarations are verified against the actual circumstances.

*Making a Reservation via the Booking System*

  1. The Rental Agreement is always preceded by making a Reservation – as per the procedure outlined below.
  2. You can make a Reservation via the Booking System – no login is required, and there is no option to create an account.
  3. A Reservation is made by completing the reservation form, which involves following the instructions and prompts displayed by the electronic system. The Lessee must follow the instructions and procedures provided on the Lessor’s Website, including:
    • Filling out the Reservation form by entering the required details, including selecting the Vehicle the Lessee wishes to reserve (which will be the subject of the Rental Agreement), specifying the start and end date of the rental period, choosing the location for pickup and return of the Vehicle, and selecting the rental option (with a driver or self-driven),
    • Selecting the payment method,
    • Confirming that you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions – making a Reservation requires full acceptance of the Terms and Conditions,
    • Confirming that the Reservation matches the Lessee’s intentions,
    • Final confirmation of the Reservation by selecting the option “Reserve with obligation to pay,”
    • Making the agreed payment,
    • Reminder: Individuals without full legal capacity (especially those under 18) cannot make a Reservation.
    • If you wish to drive the Vehicle, check whether you meet the required criteria (described later in the Terms and Conditions).
  4. Once the electronic forms in the Booking System are completed, the Reservation will be verified by the Lessor. Depending on the outcome, the Reservation will be accepted, rejected, or the Lessor may request additional information.
  5. If the Reservation is successfully verified, the Lessee will receive an email at the provided address containing a summary of the Reservation – including details of the Vehicle, rental date, and pickup and return location, as well as the total payment. This email constitutes confirmation of the Reservation, and from that moment, the Parties are bound by the Rental Agreement under the terms specified in the confirmation. Therefore, we kindly ask you to review the information and details carefully. However, if you notice any errors or elements that do not align with your intentions, contact us immediately. If you act promptly, there may be a chance to make last-minute changes.
  6. Until the Reservation confirmation is sent, the Parties are not bound by any agreement or obligation. Up until that moment, the Lessee may withdraw from the Reservation at any time without any consequences, including no obligation to pay any amounts. If instant payment was selected in the Booking System and payment has already been made, the amount will be fully refunded within 14 days.
  7. Reservation confirmation may be conditional upon the Lessee making a payment of a specified amount, such as a deposit or down payment. If the Lessee is required to make a payment based on the Reservation, before the Rental Agreement is concluded, confirmation of the Reservation may depend on the agreed payment being made.
  8. For all services provided, fiscal receipts or VAT invoices are issued. Please note that if the initial purchase is documented with a fiscal receipt, a VAT invoice can only be issued later if the receipt contains the buyer’s tax identification number (NIP). A VAT invoice is issued for the receipt within the time limits specified by applicable regulations. Therefore, if the Lessee wishes to preserve the option to request a VAT invoice later, they must inform the Lessor and provide their NIP number so it can be included on the fiscal receipt – before the receipt is issued (the desire to obtain a VAT invoice must be indicated during the Reservation process).
  9. Making a Reservation implies consent to receive invoices or other financial documents electronically, as outlined in Article 106n of the Act of March 11, 2004, on Goods and Services Tax, which is equivalent to waiving the receipt of traditional (paper) invoices. The Lessee may withdraw such consent at any time by notifying the Lessor electronically or in writing.
  10. Corrective invoices will be sent electronically, except in cases where a statement as mentioned above is submitted.
  11. Failure to make timely payment may result in negative consequences for the Lessee, including the cancellation of the Reservation.

Making a Reservation Outside the Online Store

  1. The Lessee may also make a Reservation without using the Booking System in the following ways:
    • By email – sending the Reservation to In the message, please specify which Vehicle you wish to rent, the format (with or without a driver), the desired rental start and end dates, and the pickup and return locations. To make the process easier and faster, you can provide your phone number (though this is not required).
    • In person – you are welcome to visit our office.
  2. After each Reservation, the Lessee will receive a reservation summary via email.
  3. Subsequent steps follow the process described in points 4-11 of the procedure for making a Reservation using the Booking System (as described above).

How to use the Booking System?

Rules for Using the Booking System

Individuals using the Booking System:

  • are required to use the Booking System in accordance with its intended purpose and to undertake only actions that comply with the applicable legal order and adhere to the principles of social coexistence,
  • must provide true personal, tax, and address information during the registration process (if applicable) and when making a Reservation,
  • must not transmit any content prohibited by applicable law, including content that promotes violence or hatred, defames or infringes on the personal rights of others, or otherwise violates the rights of third parties,
  • must use the Booking System in a way that does not disrupt its functioning, especially by refraining from using specific software or devices,
  • must not engage in activities such as sending or posting unsolicited commercial information (spam) within the Booking System,
  • must use the Booking System in a manner that is not burdensome to others or to the Lessor,
  • may only use the content available within the Booking System for personal use.

If you believe any content on the Website or within the Booking System violates the law or your interests, please contact us immediately. Upon receiving the notification, we will promptly assess the issue and take appropriate actions.

What amount am I obligated to pay? How can I settle the payment?

Price, Payments

  1. The Lessor informs the Lessee of the total amount due during the Reservation process, before selecting the option “Reserve with obligation to pay.” The total amount will hereafter be referred to as the “Price.”
  2. Prices are gross prices (i.e., they include the applicable VAT) and are expressed in Polish złoty (PLN).
  3. If the Price is a promotional price (discounted as part of specific promotions, campaigns, etc.), alongside the current price there may be information about the price before the discount – in accordance with legal regulations.
  4. The available payment methods are provided to the Lessee during the Reservation process.
  5. If a selected payment method involves an additional cost for the Lessee, they will be clearly informed of this fact and the amount of the additional fee before the final acceptance of that payment method.
  6. Payment terms, including the deadline for payment, will be clearly communicated to the Lessee via the telecommunication system before making the Reservation.
  7. In certain cases, payment method restrictions may apply due to legal regulations (e.g., it is not possible to pay amounts exceeding 15,000 PLN in cash) or limitations of specific payment systems.

What are the rental rules? Who can drive?

Rental Rules

The rules for using the Vehicle, including who is eligible to drive, are outlined in the final section of the Terms and Conditions under the “Rental Rules” section. Be sure to read them carefully!

I would like to change/cancel my Reservation

Cancellation of Reservation

  1. We emphasize that upon confirmation of the Reservation, the Parties are bound by the Rental Agreement. This is because when you make a Reservation with us, you select a specific Vehicle. In most cases, when renting a car, you only choose a category/type of vehicle, and later you find out which model/brand will be provided – with us, it’s simpler, as we offer the exact Vehicle as per your order.
  2. According to Article 38(1)(12) of the Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014, the right to withdraw from a contract made outside the business premises or remotely does not apply to vehicle rental agreements. However, we understand that unexpected situations happen, which is why we offer the option to cancel the Reservation (terminate the Rental Agreement) under the following conditions:
    • Up to 24 hours before the scheduled pickup of the Vehicle, the Lessee may cancel the Reservation (equivalent to terminating the Rental Agreement) without incurring any costs – in such a case, the Lessor will refund all amounts paid by the Lessee, and the Lessee will not be charged any additional costs/fees, etc.
    • Cancelling the Reservation within 24 hours of the scheduled pickup or later will result in a refund of 50% of the Price to the Lessee.
  3. Changes to the Rental Agreement (after the Parties are bound by its terms) are only possible with the consent of both Parties – therefore, if something important comes up and you wish to change your Reservation, please contact us, and we will try to find a solution that works for both Parties (e.g., change the date, shorten the rental period, etc.).
  4. To cancel your Reservation, please use the “Cancel Reservation” option available on the Website or contact us (by email, phone, or in person).

What if I want to file a complaint?

Complaint Procedure

  1. We do our best to ensure that our services meet your expectations, but we know that things don’t always go as planned – which is why we outline the complaint procedure below.
  2. Complaints can be submitted:
    • In writing – by sending a letter to Bartosz Zakrzewski, ul. Obrońców Modlina 7, 30-733 Kraków, with the note “Tesla”,
    • Electronically – by sending an email to,
    • Electronically – by using the contact form on the Website,
    • By phone – at +48 570 104 037 (this option is available only on weekdays from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM).
  3. Each complaint should include the following: the complainant’s details – including contact information, a description of the issue, and the complainant’s position/request.
  4. Complaints are reviewed within 14 days of submission. However, during the assessment of the complaint’s validity, it may be necessary to request additional explanations, materials, or information – in such cases, the full complaint procedure may take longer than 14 days.

Here is the translation:

Vehicle Usage Rules

Key Information

  1. The Lessees – regardless of the rental format – cannot be individuals who lack full legal capacity (particularly minors).
  2. The Vehicle may only be driven by individuals who are at least 26 years old, have held a valid driver’s license recognized in the Republic of Poland for at least 3 years, are not in a condition that would impair their ability to drive, and have been approved by the Lessor – this applies to standard rentals.
  3. During the operation of the Vehicle, a person designated by the Lessor (hereafter referred to as the Instructor) will always be present to supervise the Lessee’s use of the Vehicle. In the case of rentals with a driver, the Instructor will serve as the driver. For standard rentals, the Lessee must follow the instructions and recommendations of the Instructor.

Responsibility of the Parties

  1. The Parties are mutually liable according to the law unless otherwise specified in the Terms and Conditions or agreed between the Parties.
  2. The Lessor is only responsible for losses or damages suffered by the Lessee or third parties in connection with the rented Vehicle or its use when such losses or damages were caused by the Lessor’s fault, except where another form of liability is specified by mandatory legal provisions.
  3. The Lessee is responsible for damages caused by themselves or individuals using the Vehicle with their consent.
  4. The Lessee is responsible for obligations (including penalties, fines, tickets, fees, etc.) arising from the use of the Vehicle. In particular, the Lessee is responsible for criminal offenses, including traffic violations, that occurred during the Rental Agreement (this does not apply to rentals with a driver). The Lessee agrees that, if requested, the Lessor will provide the Police or other authorized authorities with the Lessee’s personal information.
  5. Leaving documents and/or keys in the Vehicle is prohibited and may result in the denial of insurance compensation and hold the Lessee responsible for covering the full cost of damages.
  6. If documents and/or keys to the Vehicle are lost (including damaged or misplaced), the Lessee will be charged the actual cost of repairing the Vehicle (changing locks, re-registration, obtaining duplicate documents, etc.).
  7. Clauses 4-7 above do not apply to rentals with a driver.
  8. The Lessee must familiarize themselves with the Vehicle’s insurance conditions before driving and acknowledges that if they violate these conditions and the Insurer refuses coverage, they will be responsible for covering any damages in full.
  9. The Lessee is also responsible for damage to the Vehicle’s additional equipment.
  10. The Lessee is also responsible for any lost profits of the Lessor.

Vehicle Pickup and Return

  1. At each Vehicle pickup, our Instructor will be happy to provide information about the Vehicle and answer any questions. In the case of standard rentals, training conducted by the Instructor before driving is mandatory.
  2. The Lessee is required to pick up and return the Vehicle at the location and time agreed upon by the Parties. The return can only be made to an authorized representative of the Lessor.
  3. For standard rentals, a protocol is drawn up upon Vehicle pickup and return. No protocol is drawn up for rentals with a driver, but the Lessee may submit additional comments during Vehicle pickup and return.
  4. Unauthorized extensions of the rental period without the Lessor’s approval result in the absence of coverage under the Auto Casco policy or other insurance guarantees. Additionally, a delay in returning the Vehicle exceeding 24 hours may be treated by the Lessor as a case of misappropriation.
  5. The Lessee is obligated to return the Vehicle in a clean, functional, and undamaged condition.

Vehicle Usage Rules

  1. The Lessee is required to comply with legal regulations, particularly those concerning the use of motor vehicles, including traffic laws.
  2. The Lessee is responsible for exercising proper care of the Vehicle, especially using it according to normal operating standards (including the permissible load). The Lessee must not leave the Vehicle unlocked or store both keys in the same place and must take precautions to prevent theft. The Lessee is responsible for returning the Vehicle in a condition not worse than normal wear and tear. Proper care also includes using the Vehicle in a way that does not pose a risk of damage or soiling the interior.
  3. The Vehicle is always delivered to the Lessee in proper working condition and ready for normal use, which means it meets all regulatory requirements regarding equipment and technical condition and is supplied with all legally required documents and insurance.
  4. The operating manual, Vehicle documents, proof of insurance, and keys will remain with the Instructor and are not provided to the Lessee, regardless of the rental format.
  5. Vehicle inspections and maintenance can be performed by the Instructor at any time.
  6. The Lessee is generally not charged for charging or parking the Vehicle unless otherwise agreed upon during the rental with the Instructor.
  7. Charging the Vehicle (an electric car) is always carried out by the Instructor – the Lessee is not allowed to connect or disconnect the Vehicle from the charger unless the Instructor consents.
  8. During Vehicle use (excluding rentals with a driver), the Lessee must routinely monitor the dashboard indicators. If any issues or warnings suggest a potential breakdown, the Lessee must stop the Vehicle immediately and inform the Instructor of the warnings. When parking the Vehicle, even for a short time, the Lessee must use all available security features, especially anti-theft devices.
  9. The Lessee cannot sublease, lend, or otherwise make the Vehicle available to third parties.
  10. The Vehicle cannot be used in violation of the law, its intended purpose, or commonly accepted norms, including:
    • In a manner that violates legal norms, particularly traffic laws,
    • By someone other than the Lessee, unless this person has been approved by the Lessor,
    • By individuals under the influence of alcohol, drugs, hallucinogens, or other substances that impair the ability to drive,
    • In violation of road, customs, or other laws applicable in Poland or, if applicable, the country of use (in cases where written permission to leave Poland has been granted by the Lessor),
    • Outside of Poland, unless written permission from the Lessor has been obtained,
    • In races, rallies, or any other sporting activities,
    • For commercial activities, unless written permission has been obtained from the Lessor,
    • For towing other vehicles, trailers, or other items,
    • For transporting flammable, hazardous, toxic, corrosive, radioactive, or other harmful substances,
    • For transporting items that, due to their odor or properties, may damage the Vehicle or cause delays or costs before the Vehicle can be rented again,
    • For transporting live animals, unless written permission has been obtained from the Lessor,
    • On unpaved roads or roads in poor condition that may damage the suspension, wheels, tires, or other Vehicle components,
    • Installing any accessories in the Vehicle (including roof racks, rails, CB radios) is prohibited without the Lessor’s separate consent,
    • Smoking tobacco or novel tobacco products (e.g., e-cigarettes, IQOS, NEO GLO, Vuse, etc.) is prohibited in the Vehicle.
  11. The Lessee is responsible for ensuring that these rules are followed by all individuals using the Vehicle (including passengers).

Accidents, Theft, and Breakdowns

  1. In the event of an accident or theft, the Lessee must immediately notify the Police and the Lessor. The Lessee is not authorized to accept any claims from the other party and, in particular, has no right to represent the Lessor or make any statements on behalf of the Lessor. Any consequences of the Lessee’s own statements or unauthorized statements made on behalf of the Lessor will be the Lessee’s full responsibility. The Lessee must promptly inform the Lessor of the incident, including any damage to the Vehicle.
  2. The Lessee must provide the Lessor with a written report and a situational sketch, which should include the names and addresses of involved individuals and witnesses, as well as the license plate numbers of the vehicles involved. In the event of damage or theft of the Vehicle, the Rental Agreement will be terminated on the date the Lessee reports the damage or theft of the rented Vehicle.
  3. The Lessee is obligated to cooperate with the Lessor in any legal proceedings, claims adjustments, criminal cases, traffic offenses, and other matters, even after the Rental Agreement has ended.
  4. If the Vehicle breaks down, the Lessee must immediately notify the Lessor and provide a detailed description of the malfunction so that a decision can be made regarding the continued use of the Vehicle.


The Lessor provides insurance in accordance with the civil liability insurance policy under the terms of that policy, only for individuals authorized

How is my personal data processed?

Personal Data, General GDPR Clauses

  1. The administrator of personal data provided by the Lessee during account registration or when placing orders is the Lessor.
  2. The provided personal data will be processed and used for the purposes of handling Reservations, executing the Rental Agreement, conducting payment processes (including potential refunds), handling complaints, pursuing and defending against claims, and possibly for marketing purposes.
  3. The Client has the right to access their personal data, modify it, request the cessation of its use, and request its deletion from the databases managed by the Lessor.
  4. The provision of personal data is voluntary.
  5. Detailed rules for the processing of personal data and the use of cookies are described in a separate document.

Are the Website and Online Store protected in any way?


  1. To put it briefly – yes, they are protected.
  2. The Website and Online Store are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. The Service User and Lessee may use the aforementioned based on a non-exclusive, free, and non-transferable license granted by the Service Provider to use the proprietary rights to works posted on the Website and in the Online Store (e.g., descriptions of individual Vehicles) solely for the purpose of using the Services, making Reservations, and entering into a Rental Agreement. Use of the Website and Online Store and their content is permitted for the User’s personal, non-commercial purposes.
  3. The aforementioned license expires on the day the Service Agreement is terminated.
  4. Copying, reproducing, or recording the content of the Website and Online Store for commercial or business purposes is not permitted.

Is there anything else I should know?

Final Provisions

  1. These Terms and Conditions apply to all transactions unless the Parties have explicitly made separate arrangements – in writing or via email.
  2. The current version of the Terms and Conditions is available on the Website, and the Lessor allows the full text of the Terms and Conditions to be downloaded free of charge directly from the Website. At the Lessee’s request, it can also be sent electronically to the email address provided by the Lessee or as a printed copy to the address provided by the Lessee – the Lessor reserves the right to charge the Lessee for shipping costs.
  3. Changes to the Terms and Conditions are made by modifying the content posted on the Website. The Lessor explicitly reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions, especially if such changes are a result of legal amendments or decisions by competent authorities.
  4. The Parties will attempt to resolve any potential disputes amicably – this clause does not constitute an arbitration agreement, and filing a lawsuit does not need to be preceded by negotiations, mediation, or other settlement attempts.
  5. If the Lessor rejects a complaint, or if the Lessee, as a Consumer, does not agree with the proposed resolution, the Lessee has the option to pursue legal action or use alternative dispute resolution methods. In particular, they may contact the Provincial Inspector of Trade Inspection (address: Wojewódzki Inspektorat Inspekcji Handlowej w Krakowie, ul. Ujastek 7, 31-752 Kraków). The Consumer may also request that a dispute concerning the Agreement be resolved by the permanent arbitration court operating at the Provincial Inspectorate of Trade Inspection. The rules for accessing these procedures are available at the offices or websites of entities authorized for out-of-court dispute resolution, especially consumer ombudsmen or Provincial Inspectorates of Trade Inspection, whose list is available on the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) website at
  6. For clients who are not Consumers or Sole Proprietors, all disputes will be resolved by the court with jurisdiction over the Lessor’s registered office, and out-of-court dispute resolution is excluded.
  7. No provision of these Terms and Conditions may violate mandatory or semi-mandatory legal norms. In case of any conflict between the Terms and Conditions and such norms, those norms will take precedence, especially in regard to consumer protection laws.
  8. The Lessor is liable for non-performance or improper performance of the agreement, though for agreements with entities other than Consumers or Sole Proprietors, the Lessor’s liability is limited to the agreed Price.
  9. The language governing the relations between the Parties is Polish.
  10. These Terms and Conditions come into effect on September 18, 2024.